
Showing posts from January 3, 2016

Nepal should be your first choice for travel in 2016

As a whole, In today's context, Nepal the birthplace of Loard Gauttam Buddha which was frequently affected by the series of devastating earthquake and its aftershocks is Now enrolled on the 1st position in the list of Best Travel Place. We are known about the situation of the country after April 25, many lives were listed due to inhuman natural calamities. But these conditions and the country's historic landmarks are slowly being restored. Drastically, the tourist related activities such as hiking,  Trekking etc. are reopening. Especially, Tourism Industries are rising up and trying for the best to invite uncountable tourist for the development of tourism industries and its economy. After a series of devastating earthquakesand aftershocks, Nepal’s tourist industry is on the rise again. Though hundredsof thousands have been left homeless, and daily life is not fully back tonormal, the country’s historic landmarks are slowly being restored. Trekkingroutes are reopening